Taraweeh: 2nd Night
Sheikh Abdul Hamid Lachporia (HA)
In the Name of Almighty Allah Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Tonight's Tarawee consists of the last three quarters of Sayakool and the First Half of 3rd Juz. The Surah covered is the final third of Surah Al-Baqara
In the very first Juz, we are told how Nabee Ebrahim Alayhis Salaam, together with his son Hazrat Isma'il Alayhis Salaam built the Holy Ka'bah, which stood for the centre of Tawhid and the Unity of Islam. Nabee Ebrahim Alayhis Salaam prayed upon completing the construction of the Holy Ka'bah: "O our Lord! Make us among those who submit to Your Will and make our offspring an Ummah that bows down to Your Will." Upon this, the brotherhood of the Muslim Ummah was established and the symbol of that unity was the Holy Ka'bah.
The rules of of Huqooq-ul-la and Huqooq-ul-Ibad were laid down for the Muslim Ummah. Huqooq-ul-la dealt with mankind's relationship with Almighty Allah Azza Wajjal while Huqooqul-Ibad dealth with man's relationship with his fellow man. The Most Glorious and Noble Qur'an emphasizes that righteousness does not by any stretch of the imagination mean that doing things whose importance cannot be comprehended, but in faith, (Imaan), kindness, prayer, Ibadah, Charity, Zakaat, patience, Sabr, caring and sharing, adversity under suffering and good moral conduct and behaviour in general.
Rules and regulations are laid down relating to Halal and Haram foods, Laws of inheritance, fasting, Jihad, Drinking and gambling; treatment of orphans, and women, prohibition from taking interest (Ribah) etc. In short, if one desires to be a good Muh'min, he or she must follow the Divine Commandments of Almighty Allah Exalted. Nothing short of this can make a Muh'min a true and confirmed Muslim.
The subject of Jihad is discussed with reference to Nabee Dawood Alayhis Salaam battle with Jalut (Goliath) and his ultimate victory. Nabee Dawood Alayhis Salaam was blessed with great physical strength. He was a true and mighty defender of Almighty Allah's Din. We are also told about Nabee Isa Alayhis Salaam and how he was strengthened with the "Divine Word of Rabbul Ala'meen". We learn how Nabee Moosa Alayhis Salaam called upon the Bani Isra'eel to cease their evil ways.
References to Nabee Isa and Nabee Moosa Alayhim Salaam regarding the question of Jihad was covered the first night of Tarawee. From the examples of these three great prophets – Alayhim Salaam, we are informed how the three levels of Jihad work: (1) Arming oneself with nothing but the truth (2) fighting and overcoming the evils within ourselves and replacing it with true Imaan (3) Defending the Glorious Din of Al-Islam.
As Muslims, we know that our beloved Nabee Sallallahoo Alayhi Wasallam was Rahmatul Liel Ala'meen and that he possessed all these qualities for His Jihad.
In conclusion we are told that true goodness lies in practical deeds of Muhabbat, kindness, strong Imaan and manliness. Almighty Allah's Nature is discussed in the most beautiful, eloquent and sublime Ayat-ul-Kursi – the Verse of the Throne. There are two major aspects remaining before the Surah comes to an end. The first is an announcement from Almighty Rabbul Ala'meen to mankind urging man to have true faith in the Divine Commandments and that our faith must be proven by our personal responsibilities as true believers. Secondly, man is taught a beautiful prayer and that he should forever turn to none other than the Most Glorious Creator and Sustainer for all his needs.
Note to the Khateeb or Speaker: It would be advisable to recite verses 285 and 286 together with its meanings.